28 October 2018

How to Sell On Your Blog Various Ads On Advertising Network.

How to Sell On Your Blog Various Ads On Advertising Network. Basically, there are lots of Advertising methods on the internet for the website holders, While you can direct traffic that comes to your website toward buying a product or service. One is to include advertising spots that promote other sites and services.

These spots can be banners, video, text links, or specific articles on your website, such as product reviews. When building your website, you have to consider how to earn revenue from your website or blog and the different types of advertisements that you can place within the website structure. With strategic planning, you can monetize your website, maximizing your profits.

Private Ads Sale

How to Start a Blog Today: A Free Step-by-Step Beginner’s Guide to Create a Blog in 20 minutes

Selling private ads can come in the form of banners, buttons, or links. You can even make money writing sponsored posts where you write about or give a review of an advertiser’s product or service. Another option is to write an underwritten post or series, which is where you can write about any topic, but the advertiser pays for a “Brought to you by” mention in the content. The ways you make money with this can vary. For instance, you might charge a one-time fee for a link within a post. If you are hosting banner ads, you might charge your partner monthly.

Include Affiliate Links in Your Content

Affiliate marketing is also another great tool for monetizing your blog. Here is how affiliate marketing works:
  1. An advertiser has a product he wants to sell. he agrees to give you a commission from each sale if the buyer is coming from your site.
  2. he gives you a unique link that tracks your affiliate code. That way, he knows when a buyer used your link to make a purchase.
  3. You include your affiliate link on your site. You can do this directly in the content or through banner ads. If a reader clicks on your unique link and buys the product you have recommended, you earn a percentage of what he purchased.

You can utilize affiliate marketing through ad networks like Amazon Associates, or you can create private partnerships with advertisers and businesses with an affiliate program. If you would rather not advertise other people’s products on your site, or if you are looking for another stream of income, consider selling digital products. This can include items like:
  • eBooks
  • Online courses/workshops
  • Images, video, or music people can use in their own content Apps, plugins, or themes

Just remember that if you are going to choose one of these avenues that you make it relevant and useful to your readers. A lot of bloggers make the mistake of assuming they are developing a product their readers need; listen to your readers first, and then create a digital product that will meet their needs.

Use it as a Content Marketing Tool for Your Business

It is also possible to sell physical products on your blog and to make money that way. Instead of thinking of it as making money from your blog, however, think of your blog as a content marketing tool that will drive visitors to your business website. 

The possibilities are practically endless when it comes to developing a business blog. You could sell hand-made products, books, manufactured products, and so much more. Or you might already have a business and decide to start a blog to convert loyal customers. 

Let's say, for example, that you refurbish and resell used smartphones out of your home. You could use a blog to attract visitors to your website where you list your current phones for sale. Your blog might cover topics about DIY refurbishing. On one level, it seems counterintuitive because you want people to buy your phones, but it also helps you build a brand and gain recognition. Social media guru Jay Baer explains the concept of Copyblogger: 

Use it to Build Your Credibility

Blogging to build credibility can lead to many money-making opportunities. For instance, let us say you start a blog in the finance industry. People start reading your content, and your blog becomes very popular. You are now a recognized figure in the finance industry.

Once you have that authority, people might approach you to co-author a book on debt management, or you could charge to speak at conferences or to run employee financial training days.

Create Quality Content 

You are not going to make any money from your blog if people don’t read it. After all, your readers are the ones who are going to make you money, whether they’re clicking on your ads or buying your products. Always put your readers first. 

Don’t Spend Your Time Exclusively on Your Blog 

Developing a successful blog has a lot to do with building relationships. That can include relationships with sponsors, affiliate partners, or simply other bloggers who will direct traffic to your blog. Be sure some of your time is spent on forums and other blogs (or whatever works for you) to build these relationships and your blog. 

Don’t Be Afraid to Experiment 

Not all of these tips and avenues of income are going to work for you. Don’t be afraid to tweak your methods to see what works best for you and your readers. 

Making money blogging can take a lot of persistence, but it can pay off in the long run if you’re starting out from scratch. Just remember that you don’t have to use all of these money-making avenues at once. 

Consider what other people in your industry are doing, and start from there. Consider what other people in your industry are doing, and start from there. 

Over time, you will learn what works for you and what doesn’t. If you are looking to make money from your blog, which option will you start with? 

Let me know in the comment section.